Great News for Festies: Watching Live Music is Good for Your Health

Article by: Laura Mason|@masonlazarus

Sun April 01, 2018 | 01:00 AM

Finally, some scientific research to brighten your day. A new British study published by O2, which owns some of the biggest music venues in the UK, alongside Goldsmith University's Associate Lecturer Patrick Fagan, says that regularly going to live shows can help lengthen your lifespan. Frequent festival-goers and all-around music lovers, rejoice!

The UK's Independent reported today that the study stated that 20 minutes at a show "can lead to a 21 percent increase in that feeling of well-being." No mood enhancers needed, apparently.

Even more surprising is the additional research that states going to live shows "directly links high levels of well-being with a lifespan increase of nine years."

Nine years?! We'll take it.

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Photo by: Linka Odom

"Our research showcases the profound impact gigs have on feelings of health, happiness and well-being - with fortnightly or regular attendance being the key," Fagan declared.

We all know that festival-goers likely attend shows all year to keep up with their favorite artists. That means festival-goers regularly experiencing live music are doing wonders for their mental and physical health.

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In the process of reaching these conclusions, British test subjects did "psychometric testing and heart rate tests" as they performed activities that were positive for their health like attending concerts, doing yoga and dog-walking.

The results indicated that people who attended gigs saw an increase of 25% in feelings of self worth and closeness to others (we've written about this before) and a 75% increase in mental stimulation.

Start filling up those 2018 festival agendas, folks.